

Alibaba.com & Yahoo! lied! They announced that as of January 01, 2009 ALL shark products would be removed from their sites. Now this is partially true, all products have been removed from ENGLISH speaking websites but a quick search by our affiliates in China found pages of results.

We are VERY disappointed at this smoke and mirrors attempt to quiet a movement that is only trying to bring light to this illegal activity. Many countries have banned the practice of shark fining due to the fact that the way these animals are caught cannot be proven sustainable.

Companies that continue to be involved in this trade are in direct violation and more interested in monetary gain and greed of their board members.

The FIGHT is not over and because of their deceptiveness we will ONLY grow our movement.

The thing that really adds insult to injury is they would announce an out and out lie on the eve of the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE SHARK.

Our findings:

http://www.alibaba.com (eng version) - search for shark fin, no food items are returned.

http://china.alibaba.com/ (Chinese version)search results:

YAHOO! & ALIBABA.COM Back to Featured offenders on SharkMurder.com

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