
Time is running out for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna - YOU can help them

Our friends at PEW Environmental Group need your help. They are trying to get the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to reconsider new fishing regulations that could speed the depletion of Atlantic Bluefin tuna.

Atlantic Bluefin tuna is close to population collapse. Studies show that the western Atlantic population has declined 82% since 1970. Scientists estimate that there are only 41,000 reproductively mature bluefin tuna left in the western Atlantic. In March 2010, nations around the world will vote on a proposal to prohibit the international commercial trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna. The United States must lead the world in protecting these imperiled fish, and those efforts begin at home.

Unfortunately, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) recently unveiled a proposal to increase the killing of bluefin tuna in U.S. waters. At a time of great uncertainty and risk for this depleted species, NMFS should slow down and not rush to implement these new fishing regulations. In addition, NMFS must consider closing the Gulf of Mexico to pelagic longline fishing, because this wasteful fishing practice incidentally kills hundreds of imperiled bluefin tuna that use this area for reproduction each year.

You can help protect bluefin tuna today! Please send a letter to the NMFS before December 21, and tell them to slow down this misguided proposal.


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